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MiniSoft Harvest
MiniSoft Harvest
hardware and software system
for automated berry, fruit
and vegetable harvesting
Harvest automating
Calculate salaries
Add new workers and keep track of farm HR data
An organized database with all field data to fuel your harvest season
Партнерство МініСофт
with MiniSoft company
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together will increase profit


The best way to automate you harvest. Convenient program, minimum hardware requirements

MiniSoft Harvest - a cost- and time-efficient solution for supervising your harvest process and employee payroll. Know exactly what and how much fruit, berry, or vegetable every worker has picked, calculate salaries, generate transparent reports, and process all the data in bulk. Less time spent on supervising harvest = more time spent harvesting.

MiniSoft Harvest combines basic, cost-efficient software and hardware (label printer, scales, and barcode scanner) to offer sophisticated tracking opportunities. Each worker and container are identified with a unique barcode which is used to record and view data on amount (kg) harvested, time spent, individual salaries, etc. Our team helps to implement the solution - it’s only a one-time event, and the assistance of our technical team is included in the cost.

Benefits of the system

The solution is built for small and medium farms and is meant to help boost harvest with minimal expenses. All purchases are one-time, sofarmers are not expected to pay for their growth. The owner of a farmer invests in a powerful and affordable tool for managing and controlling the harvesting process, and the staff - a convenient and friendly program for daily use.
Minisoft Harvest offers two options: a local version and a network version. The local version works best for small farms or farms, where harvesting is carried out on one or few devices in turn. The network version involves the simultaneous use of two or more PCs in medium and large farms, where harvesting is carried out at several facilities. The data from all local versions is merged to the web server where it can be viewed and exported in the real time.
You can try out the software’s features and interface by installing the demo version of the "MiniSoft Harvest" program on your PC. It’s free and instant.
We ensure the reliability of data storage and its full protection. The permission system allows you to limit user’s access to data. For example, an accountant can perform two operations: entering information about employees into the database and receiving products - but nothing else. Synchronization of data between the server and local databases mitigates the risk of data loss due to damage to the local data carrier or its loss.
Our clients have successfully implemented Minisoft Harvest for more than 5 years already. Throughout that time, we’ve been continuously listening to their feedback and building new features. If you need more functionality to cover your farm’s needs, you can leave a request and our technical team will quickly process it. Typically, suggested features enter the development stage in 1-2 weeks after the request. The software is frequently updated and improved - we grow together with our clients.
MiniSoft software products belong to low-resource programs - and require the most basic equipment. The only prerequisite for Minisoft Harvest is having a PC with Windows (Windows XP SP3 and later versions).
The "MiniSoft Harvest" program provides scalability: starting with the local version of the solution, you can upgrade to the multi-PC network system.
The server version of the program provides data exchange between the server and local APKs over the Internet. In this way, it is possible to both enter the necessary information into the local databases of the complex, and quickly receive information about the progress of harvesting for planning and carrying out logistical actions, and further sale or processing of products.

Demo version of MiniSoft Harvest

Introduction to the interface and features of the programs on the test database.

Try it out

Free trial version

Explore features and interface in one click, for free.

Accessible from any PC

Install Minisoft Harvest on your PC, work with built-in forms and databases; no need to upload data.

No time limit

Demo version comes with no time restrictions - take your time to learn the system and make decisions.


Local version of
Minisoft Harvest:Full


Field & Warehouse

  • Single system for one PC and connected hardware
  • Minisoft Harvest: Field for managing on-site processes"
  • Minisoft Warehouse for managing warehouse
  • No data synchronization with the server

Local version of
Minisoft Harvest Field


Only Field

  • Single system for one PC and connected hardware
  • Minisoft Harvest: Field for managing on-site processes
  • No Minisoft Harvest Warehouse integration
  • No data synchronization with the server

Server part of
MiniSoft Harvest


All Data in One Interface

  • View data from multiple workplaces (PCs and hardware)
  • Generate statistical reports on payment and workflows
  • Connect a personalized Telegram bot that will notify you about the production quantity, weight, benchmark completion

News and Insights

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Automated Harvest Workflows by Minisoft Harvest

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How to harvest raspberry

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Harvest garden strawberries with Minisoft Harvest

Strawberries are a berry crop found in many natural and climatic zones of the earth.
Minisoft Harvest Demo Version